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Note to Self:

Never Quit

by | Feb 6, 2023 | Motivation

I recently began writing the following daily affirmation… “I trust myself to keep going.”

I began writing this because sometimes, in my tired & weak moments, I am uncertain I have it in me to do “the thing.” I lose faith and trust in myself.  I need the reminder that despite how I feel today… in this moment… The moment will pass and I will find a way. I have what it takes. I have done it before… in other ways with other hard stuff. I can keep going. And so can you.

There are times in life when it feels as though despite all your efforts, you don’t feel like you will ever get there. You have been climbing the mountain forever and the obstacles feel more present than the clear paths. You’ve been working, trying, digging deep on all the things.  You are tired.  You are discouraged. But friends, hear this…  NEVER QUIT.

Take a break for some self care and self talk. Recalibrate. Phone a friend. Be flexible and adjust your approach, your timing, your plan.  Rest, restore, regroup.  But… NEVER QUIT. Never quit on yourself or your pursuit of happiness, healing, growth, health, and a life you love.

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